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Research Coins: The Coin Shop

728828. Sold For $395

Ionia, Islands off. Samos. Circa 398-365 BC. AR Obol (0.58 gm). Facing scalp of lion / Forepart of bull right; SA below. Barron pg. 213, 1-2; BMC Ionia pg. 357, 79-80. Toned, Good VF. $395

This important seafaring polis on the island of the same name has a long and tumultuous history and became a center of arts, crafts and letters. After the crucifixion of the Tyrant Plykrates in 522 BC, Samos became part of the Persian Empire. It took part in the Ionian Revolt in 499. It was a member of the Delian League in 478/7 when it fought against Persia, but fought on the Persian side at Salamis in 480 and subsequently passed to the Athenian Empire. After the end of Athenian domination (with the help of the Spartan Lysander in 404, or the defeat of the Spartan fleet at Knidos by Konon and Pharnabasos in 394), Samos returned to the Persian sphere of influence and became part of an anti-Laconian Symmachy along with Ephesos, Rhodes, Knidos, Iasos, Kyzikos, Lampsakos and Byzantion, which produced silver coins on the prevailing Rhodian weight standard. When in 365 Samos unsuccessfully opposed a Second Athenian League and was conquered by Timotheos, the population was expelled and replaced by an Athenian cleruchy.