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Research Coins: Electronic Auction

69, Lot: 58. Estimate $150.
Sold for $238. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

SYRIA, Trachonitis. Caesarea Panias. Diva Poppaea and Diva Claudia. Circa 65 AD. Æ 20mm (5.18 gm). Distyle temple with seated figure of Poppaea / Hexastyle temple with figure of Nero. Rosenberger III pg. 47, IV; SNG ANS 858; RPC I 4846. Near VF, black patina with earthen highlights. Rare.

This is the only coin issued in the name of Claudia, Nero's daughter by Poppaea Sabina, who died in infancy in 63 AD. Two years later, Poppaea herself died, reportedly the result of Nero's savage kicking of her. Site finds support an attribution to Panias (modern Banias), which Agrippa II, in an attempt to curry imperial favor, re-named Neronias in 61 AD; thus, this coin type may also reflect a similar attempt on Agrippa's part.